Tham chiếu API
Dưới đây là mô tả danh sách các phương thức khả dụng cho trình cắm này.
- Android and iOS APIs
- initSDK
- startSdk
- logEvent
- setCustomerUserId
- stop
- setAppInviteOneLinkID
- setAdditionalData
- setResolveDeepLinkURLs
- setOneLinkCustomDomain
- setCurrencyCode
- logLocation
- anonymizeUser
- getAppsFlyerUID
- setHost
- setUserEmails
- generateInviteLink
- setSharingFilterForAllPartners Ngưng hỗ trợ
- setSharingFilter Ngưng hỗ trợ
- setSharingFilterForPartners
- validateAndLogInAppPurchase
- updateServerUninstallToken
- sendPushNotificationData
- addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath
- appendParametersToDeepLinkingURL
- disableAdvertisingIdentifier
- enableTCFDataCollection
- setConsentData
- logAdRevenue
- Android Only APIs
- iOS Only APIs
- AppsFlyerConversionData
Android and iOS APIs
initSdk(options, success, error)
Initialize the AppsFlyer SDK with the devKey and appID.
The dev key is required for all apps and the appID is required only for iOS.
(you may pass the appID on Android as well, and it will be ignored)
parameter | type | description |
options | json | init options |
thành công | function | success callback |
error | function | error callback |
Cài đặt | Mô tả |
devKey | Your application devKey provided by AppsFlyer (required) |
appId | App ID (iOS only) you configured in your AppsFlyer dashboard |
isDebug | Debug mode - set to true for testing only |
onInstallConversionDataListener | Set listener for GCD response (Optional. default=true) |
onDeepLinkListener | Set listener for UDL response (Optional. default=false) |
timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization | Waits for request user authorization to access app-related data. please read more Here |
manualStart | Prevents from the SDK from sending the launch request after using appsFlyer.initSdk(...). When using this property, the apps needs to manually trigger the appsFlyer.startSdk() API to report the app launch. read more here. (Optional, default=false) |
Ví dụ:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native';
import appsFlyer from 'react-native-appsflyer';
devKey: 'K2***********99',
isDebug: false,
appId: '41*****44',
onInstallConversionDataListener: false, //Optional
onDeepLinkListener: true, //Optional
timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization: 10, //for iOS 14.5
manualStart: true, //Optional
(res) => {
(err) => {
In version 6.9.1 of the react-native-appslfyer SDK we added the option of splitting between the initialization stage and start stage. All you need to do is add the property manualStart: true to the init object, and later call appsFlyer.startSdk() whenever you decide. If this property is set to false or doesn’t exist, the sdk will start after calling appsFlyer.initSdk(...)
Ví dụ:
const option = {
isDebug: true,
devKey: 'UsxXxXxed',
appId: '75xXxXxXxXx11',
onInstallConversionDataListener: true,
onDeepLinkListener: true,
timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization: 5,
manualStart: true, // <--- for manual start.
() => {
if (!option.manualStart) {
console.warn('AppsFlyer SDK started!');
} else {
console.warn('AppsFlyer SDK init, didn\'t send launch yet');
err => {
// handle error
// app flow
appsFlyer.startSdk(); // <--- Here we send launch
logEvent(eventName, eventValues, success, error)
In-App Events provide insight on what is happening in your app. It is recommended to take the time and define the events you want to measure to allow you to measure ROI (Return on Investment) and LTV (Lifetime Value).
Recording in-app events is performed by calling logEvent with event name and value parameters. See In-App Events documentation for more details.
Note: An In-App Event name must be no longer than 45 characters. Events names with more than 45 characters do not appear in the dashboard, but only in the raw Data, Pull and Push APIs.
parameter | type | description |
eventName | chuỗi | Tên của sự kiện |
eventValues | json | Các giá trị sự kiện được gửi cùng với sự kiện |
thành công | function | success callback |
error | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
const eventName = 'af_add_to_cart';
const eventValues = {
af_content_id: 'id123',
af_currency: 'USD',
af_revenue: '2',
(res) => {
(err) => {
setCustomerUserId(userId, callback)
Setting your own Custom ID enables you to cross-reference your own unique ID with AppsFlyer’s user ID and the other devices’ IDs. This ID is available in AppsFlyer CSV reports along with postbacks APIs for cross-referencing with you internal IDs.
If you wish to see the CUID (Customer User ID) under your installs raw data reports, it should be called before starting the SDK.
If you simply would like to add additional user id to the events raw data reports, then you can freely call it anytime you need.
parameter | type | description |
userId | chuỗi | user ID |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.setCustomerUserId('some_user_id', (res) => {
stop(isStopped, callback)
Trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt, bạn có thể cần tắt tất cả các chức năng của SDK do tuân thủ luật pháp và quyền riêng tư. Có thể thực hiện việc này bằng API stopSDK. Khi API được thu hồi, SDK sẽ không còn giao tiếp được với các máy chủ của chúng tôi và dừng hoạt động.
Có một số trường hợp khác nhau để người dùng lựa chọn không tham gia. Bạn nên thực hiện theo những hướng dẫn chính xác cho từng trường hợp liên quan tới ứng dụng của bạn.
Trong bất kỳ sự kiện nào, SDK có thể được kích hoạt lại bằng cách gọi API tương tự, nếu kết quả là sai.
parameter | type | description |
isStopped | boolean | Là true nếu SDK bị dừng (giá trị mặc định là false). |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.stop(true, (res) => {
setAppInviteOneLinkID(oneLinkID, callback)
Set the OneLink ID that should be used for User-Invite-API.
The link that is generated for the user invite will use this OneLink ID as the base link ID.
parameter | type | description |
oneLinkID | chuỗi | oneLinkID |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.setAppInviteOneLinkID('abcd', (res) => {
setAdditionalData(additionalData, callback)
Phải có API setAdditionalData để tích hợp ở cấp SDK với một số nền tảng đối tác bên ngoài, bao gồm Segment, Adobe và Urban Airship. Chỉ sử dụng API này nếu bài viết tích hợp của nền tảng nêu rõ rằng bắt buộc phải có API setAdditionalData.
parameter | type | description |
additionalData | json | dữ liệu bổ sung |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
val1: 'data1',
val2: false,
val3: 23,
(res) => {
setResolveDeepLinkURLs(urls, successC, errorC)
Set domains used by ESP when wrapping your deeplinks.
Use this API during the SDK Initialization to indicate that links from certain domains should be resolved in order to get original deeplink
For more information please refer to the documentation
parameter | type | description |
urls | array | Comma separated array of ESP domains requiring resolving |
successC | function | success callback |
errorC | function | error callback |
Ví dụ:
(res) => {
}, (error) => {
setOneLinkCustomDomains(domains, successC, errorC)
Set Onelink custom/branded domains
Use this API during the SDK Initialization to indicate branded domains.
For more information please refer to the documentation
parameter | type | description |
domains | array | Comma separated array of branded domains |
successC | function | success callback |
errorC | function | error callback |
Ví dụ:
(res) => {
}, (error) => {
setCurrencyCode(currencyCode, callback)
Setting user local currency code for in-app purchases.
The currency code should be a 3 character ISO 4217 code. (default is USD).
You can set the currency code for all events by calling the following method.
parameter | type | description |
currencyCode | chuỗi | currencyCode |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.setCurrencyCode(currencyCode, () => {});
logLocation(longitude, latitude, callback)
Ghi nhận thủ công vị trí của người dùng.
parameter | type | description |
longitude | float | longitude |
latitude | float | latitude |
callback | function | Success / Error Callbacks |
Ví dụ:
const latitude = -18.406655;
const longitude = 46.40625;
appsFlyer.logLocation(longitude, latitude, (err, coords) => {
if (err) {
} else {
anonymizeUser(shouldAnonymize, callback)
It is possible to anonymize specific user identifiers within AppsFlyer analytics.
This complies with both the latest privacy requirements (GDPR, COPPA) and Facebook's data and privacy policies.
To anonymize an app user.
parameter | type | description |
shouldAnonymize | boolean | True if want Anonymize user Data (default value is false). |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.anonymizeUser(true, () => {});
ID thiết bị duy nhất của AppsFlyer được tạo cho mỗi lần cài đặt mới của ứng dụng. Hãy sử dụng API sau đây để thu được ID duy nhất của AppsFlyer.
parameter | type | description |
callback | function | returns (error, appsFlyerUID) |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.getAppsFlyerUID((err, appsFlyerUID) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('on getAppsFlyerUID: ' + appsFlyerUID);
setHost(hostPrefix, hostName, successC)
Set a custom host
parameter | type | description |
hostPrefix | chuỗi | the host prefix |
hostName | chuỗi | the host name |
successC | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.setHost('foo', '', res => console.log(res));
setUserEmails(options, success, error)
Set the user emails and encrypt them.
Note: Android and iOS platforms supports only 0 (none) and 3 (SHA256) emailsCryptType.
When unsupported emailsCryptType is passed, the SDK will use the default (none).
parameter | type | description |
configuration | json | email configuration |
thành công | function | success callback |
error | function | error callback |
option | type | description |
emailsCryptType | int | none - 0 (default), SHA256 - 3 |
emails | array | comma separated list of emails |
Ví dụ:
const options = {
// In this case iOS platform will encrypt emails usind MD5 and android with SHA256. If you want both platform to encrypt with the same method, just write 0 or 3.
emailsCryptType: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 2 : 3,
emails: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
(res) => {
(err) => {
generateInviteLink(parameters, success, error)
parameter | type | description |
parameters | json | parameters for Invite link |
thành công | function | success callback (generated link) |
error | function | error callback |
Ví dụ:
channel: 'gmail',
campaign: 'myCampaign',
customerID: '1234',
userParams: {
myParam: 'newUser',
anotherParam: 'fromWeb',
amount: 1,
(link) => {
(err) => {
A complete list of supported parameters is available here. Custom parameters can be passed using a userParams{} nested object, as in the example above.
Deprecated! Start from version 6.4.0 please use setSharingFilterForPartners
Used by advertisers to exclude all networks/integrated partners from getting data. Learn more here
Ví dụ:
setSharingFilter(partners, sucessC, errorC)
Deprecated! Start from version 6.4.0 please use setSharingFilterForPartners
Used by advertisers to exclude specified networks/integrated partners from getting data. Learn more here
parameter | type | description |
partners | array | Comma separated array of partners that need to be excluded |
successC | function | success callback |
errorC | function | error callback |
Ví dụ:
let partners = ["facebook_int","googleadwords_int","snapchat_int","doubleclick_int"]
(res) => {
}, (error) => {
Used by advertisers to exclude networks/integrated partners from getting data.
parameter | type | description |
partners | array | Comma separated array of partners that need to be excluded |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners([]); // Reset list (default)
appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners(null); // Reset list (default)
appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners(['facebook_int']); // Single partner
appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners(['facebook_int', 'googleadwords_int']); // Multiple partners
appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners(['all']); // All partners
appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners(['googleadwords_int', 'all']); // All partners
validateAndLogInAppPurchase(purchaseInfo, successC, errorC): Response<string>
Receipt validation is a secure mechanism whereby the payment platform (e.g. Apple or Google) validates that an in-app purchase indeed occurred as reported.
Learn more -
❗Important❗ for iOS - set SandBox to true
parameter | type | description |
purchaseInfo | json | In-App Purchase parameters |
successC | function | success callback (generated link) |
errorC | function | error callback |
Ví dụ:
let info = {
publicKey: 'key',
currency: 'biz',
signature: 'sig',
purchaseData: 'data',
price: '123',
productIdentifier: 'identifier',
currency: 'USD',
transactionId: '1000000614252747',
additionalParameters: {'foo': 'bar'},
appsFlyer.validateAndLogInAppPurchase(info, res => console.log(res), err => console.log(err));
updateServerUninstallToken(token, callback)
Manually pass the Firebase / GCM Device Token for Uninstall measurement.
parameter | type | description |
token | chuỗi | FCM Token |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.updateServerUninstallToken('token', (res) => {
sendPushNotificationData(pushPayload, ErrorCB): void
Push-notification campaigns are used to create fast re-engagements with existing users.
Learn more
For Android platform, AppsFlyer SDK uses the activity in order to process the push payload. Make sure you call this api when the app's activity is available (NOT dead state).
From version 6.6.0 we added an error callback that returns an error message.
parameter | type | description |
pushPayload | json | push notification payload |
ErrorCB | function | returns an error msg when the payload has not been sent |
Ví dụ:
const pushPayload = {
alert:"Get 5000 Coins",
appsFlyer.sendPushNotificationData(pushPayload, err => console.log(err));
addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath(path, SuccessCB, ErrorCB): void
Thêm mảng mã khóa, được sử dụng để tạo đường dẫn mã khóa nhằm giải quyết liên kết sâu từ tải trọng thông báo đẩy.
parameter | type | description |
path | array | array of Strings that corresponds to the JSON path of the deep link. |
successCB | function | success callback |
errorCB | function | error callback |
Ví dụ:
let path = ['deeply', 'nested', 'deep_link'];
res => console.log(res),
error => console.log(error),
Lệnh gọi này khớp với cấu trúc tải trọng sau:
"deeply": {
"nested": {
"deep_link": ""
appendParametersToDeepLinkingURL(contains, parameters): void
So khớp các URL chứa contains
as a substring and appends query parameters to them. In case the URL does not match, parameters are not appended to it.
- The
object must be consisted ofstring
key andstring
value - Call this api before calling
- You must provide the following parameters:
most be set to'true'
parameter | type | description |
contains | chuỗi | The string to check in URL |
parameters | object | Parameters to append to the deeplink url after it passed validation |
Ví dụ:
appsFlyer.appendParametersToDeepLinkingURL('substring-of-url', {param1: 'value', pid: 'value2', is_retargeting: 'true'});
disableAdvertisingIdentifier(shouldDisdable): void
Disables collection of various Advertising IDs by the SDK.
Anroid: Google Advertising ID (GAID), OAID and Amazon Advertising ID (AAID)
iOS: Apple's advertisingIdentifier (IDFA)
parameter | type | description |
shouldDisdable | boolean | Flag that disable/enable Advertising ID collection |
Ví dụ:
enableTCFDataCollection(enabled): void
instruct the SDK to collect the TCF data from the device.
parameter | type | description |
enabled | boolean | enable/disable TCF data collection |
Ví dụ:
setConsentData(consentObject): void
When GDPR applies to the user and your app does not use a CMP compatible with TCF v2.2, use this API to provide the consent data directly to the SDK.
The AppsFlyerConsent object has 2 methods:
: Indicates that GDPR doesn’t apply to the user and generates nonGDPR consent object. This method doesn’t accept any parameters.AppsFlyerConsent.forGDPRUser
: create an AppsFlyerConsent object with 2 parameters:
parameter | type | description |
hasConsentForDataUsage | boolean | Indicates whether the user has consented to use their data for advertising purposes |
hasConsentForAdsPersonalization | boolean | Indicates whether the user has consented to use their data for personalized advertising |
Ví dụ:
import appsFlyer, {AppsFlyerConsent} from 'react-native-appsflyer';
let nonGDPRUser = AppsFlyerConsent.forNonGDPRUser();
// OR
let GDPRUser = AppsFlyerConsent.forGDPRUser(true, false);
appsFlyer.setConsentData(nonGDPRUser /**or**/ GDPRUser);
logAdRevenue - Since 6.15.1
logAdRevenue(data: AFAdRevenueData): void
Use this method to log your ad revenue.
By attributing ad revenue, app owners gain the complete view of user LTV and campaign ROI.
Ad revenue is generated by displaying ads on rewarded videos, offer walls, interstitials, and banners in an app.
Tham số
Param | Loại |
data | AFAdRevenueData |
Usage Example for React Native:
const adRevenueData = {
monetizationNetwork: 'AF-AdNetwork',
currencyIso4217Code: 'USD',
revenue: 1.23,
additionalParameters: {
customParam1: 'value1',
customParam2: 'value2',
Here's how you use appsFlyer.logAdRevenue
within a React Native app:
- Prepare the
object as shown, including any additional parameters you wish to track along with the ad revenue event. - Gọi ra api
method with theadRevenueData
By passing all the required fields in AFAdRevenueData
, you help ensure accurate tracking within the AppsFlyer platform. This enables you to analyze your ad revenue alongside other user acquisition data to optimize your app's overall monetization strategy.
Note: The additionalParameters
object is optional. You can add any additional data you want to log with the ad revenue event in this object. This can be useful for detailed analytics or specific event tracking later on. Make sure that the custom parameters follow the data types and structures specified by AppsFlyer in their documentation.
Android Only APIs
setCollectAndroidID(isCollect, callback)
Opt-out of collection of Android ID.
If the app does NOT contain Google Play Services, Android ID is collected by the SDK.
However, apps with Google play services should avoid Android ID collection as this is in violation of the Google Play policy.
parameter | type | description |
isCollect | boolean | opt-in boolean |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
appsFlyer.setCollectAndroidID(true, (res) => {
setCollectIMEI(isCollect, callback)
Opt-out of collection of IMEI.
If the app does NOT contain Google Play Services, device IMEI is collected by the SDK.
However, apps with Google play services should avoid IMEI collection as this is in violation of the Google Play policy.
parameter | type | description |
isCollect | boolean | opt-in boolean |
callback | function | success callback |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
appsFlyer.setCollectIMEI(false, (res) => {
setDisableNetworkData setDisableNetworkData(disable)
Sử dụng để chọn không thu thập tên nhà cung cấp dịch vụ mạng (nhà cung cấp dịch vụ) và tên nhà cung cấp dịch vụ SIM từ thiết bị.
parameter | type | description |
disable | boolean | Defaults to false. |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
Enables manual triggering of deep link resolution. This method allows apps that are delaying the call to appsFlyer.startSdk()
to resolve deep links before the SDK starts.
This API will trigger the appsFlyer.onDeepLink
callback. In the following example, we check if res.deepLinkStatus
is equal to “FOUND” inside appsFlyer.onDeepLink
callback to extract the deeplink parameters.
Ví dụ:
// Let's say we want the resolve a deeplink and get the deeplink params when the user clicks on it but delay the actual 'start' of the sdk (not sending launch to appsflyer).
const option = {
isDebug: true,
devKey: 'UsxXxXxed',
appId: '75xXxXxXxXx11',
onInstallConversionDataListener: true,
onDeepLinkListener: true,
manualStart: true, // <--- for manual start.
const onDeepLink = appsFlyer.onDeepLink(res => {
if (res.deepLinkStatus == 'FOUND') {
// here we will get the deeplink params after resolving it.
// more flow...
() => {
if (!option.manualStart) {
console.warn('AppsFlyer SDK started!');
} else {
console.warn('AppsFlyer SDK init, didn\'t send launch yet');
() => {},
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
// more app flow...
appsFlyer.startSdk(); // <--- Here we send launch
iOS Only APIs
Disables Apple Search Ads collecting
parameter | type | description |
shouldDisable | boolean | Flag to disable/enable Apple Search Ads data collection |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'ios') {
Disables app vendor identifier (IDFV) collection in iOS.
Default is false (the SDK will collect IDFV).
parameter | type | description |
shouldDisable | boolean | Flag to disable/enable IDFV collection |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'ios') {
void setUseReceiptValidationSandbox(bool useReceiptValidationSandbox)
Xác thực biên lai mua hàng trong ứng dụng trong môi trường Apple (sản xuất hoặc sandbox). Giá trị mặc định là false.
parameter | type | description |
setUseReceiptValidationSandbox | boolean | là true nếu Mua hàng trong ứng dụng được thực hiện với sandbox |
Ví dụ:
❗Important❗ disableSKAD
must be called before calling initSDK
and for iOS ONLY!
parameter | type | description |
disableSkad | boolean | true if you want to disable SKADNetwork |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'ios') {
Set the language of the device. The data will be displayed in Raw Data Reports
If you want to clear this property, set an empty string. ("")
parameter | type | description |
language | chuỗi | language of the device |
Ví dụ:
if (Platform.OS == 'ios') {
onInstallConversionData(callback) : function:unregister
Accessing AppsFlyer Attribution / Conversion Data from the SDK (Deferred Deeplinking).
The code implementation for the conversion listener must be made prior to the initialization code of the SDK.
parameter | type | description |
callback | function | conversion data result |
Ví dụ:
const onInstallConversionDataCanceller = appsFlyer.onInstallConversionData(
(res) => {
if (JSON.parse( == true) {
if ( === 'Non-organic') {
var media_source =;
var campaign =;
alert('This is first launch and a Non-Organic install. Media source: ' + media_source + ' Campaign: ' + campaign);
} else if ( === 'Organic') {
alert('This is first launch and a Organic Install');
} else {
alert('This is not first launch');
Example onInstallConversionData:
"data": {
"af_message": "organic install",
"af_status": "Organic",
"is_first_launch": "true"
"status": "success",
"type": "onInstallConversionDataLoaded"
Note** is_first_launch will be "true" (string) on Android and true (boolean) on iOS. To solve this issue wrap is_first_launch with JSON.parse( as in the example above.
returns a function the will allow us to call NativeAppEventEmitter.remove()
onInstallConversionFailure(callback) : function:unregister
parameter | type | description |
callback | function | Failed conversion data result |
Ví dụ:
const onInstallGCDFailure = appsFlyer.onInstallConversionFailure(res => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
Example onInstallConversionFailure:
"status": "failure",
"type": "onInstallConversionFailure",
"data": "DevKey is incorrect"
onAppOpenAttribution(callback) : function:unregister
This API is related to DeepLinks. Please read more here
parameter | type | description |
callback | function | onAppOpenAttribution data result |
Ví dụ:
const onAppOpenAttributionCanceller = appsFlyer.onAppOpenAttribution((res) => {
onAttributionFailure(callback) : function:unregister
This API is related to DeepLinks. Please read more here
parameter | type | description |
callback | function | onAppOpenAttribution data error |
Ví dụ:
const onAppOpenAttributionCanceller = appsFlyer.onAttributionFailure((res) => {
onDeepLink(callback) : function:unregister
This API is related to DeepLinks. Please read more here
parameter | type | description |
callback | function | UDL data error |
Ví dụ:
const onDeepLinkCanceller = appsFlyer.onDeepLink(res => {
if (res?.deepLinkStatus !== 'NOT_FOUND') {
const DLValue = res?.data.deep_link_value;
const mediaSrc = res?.data.media_source;
const param1 = res?.data.af_sub1;
console.log(JSON.stringify(res?.data, null, 2));
Đã cập nhật khoảng 2 tháng trước